John fought in French and Indian War |
The first evidence of John Haskew moving into the Pee Dee area is recorded
around 1759 when he served in the French and Indian War with Moses Pearson. Moses Pearson was quite a notorious person established
in the area. John married his daughter Ruth. (notice many Haskew offspring named Moses from this union.) John left a will
and his son Jessee proved it after his death.
1771-" Will "In the name of God Amen June sixth day one thousand seven hundred and seventy one. I John Askew
of ST. David's Parish and in the province of South Carolina, being weak in body but in proper and perfect mind and memory
thanks be given unto God, therefore calling into mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men
once to dye(sic), do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first of all I give
and recommend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent christian
(sic) burial at the discretion of my executor, nothing doubting but at the general ressurection I shall receive the same againby
the mighty powers of God, and as touching such worldly estates wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give
demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form--Imprimis I give and bequeath to Ruth, my dear beloving wife
her life on my land to live pesibly(sic) on the same during her life and likewise my household goods and movables to my wife
during her life, and likewise my stock of cattle and hogs and horses to her for the support of my beloved sons and daughters,
and at the decease of my beloved wife I give and bequeath unto my loving sons named John Askew and Jesse my land equally divided
between them, and all my said movables and stock of all sorts to be likewise divided amongst all my loveing(sic)children in
like manners.-John Askew wit Aaron and Moses Pearson and Manuel Cox."
March 1794-Court of Ordinary Jesse Askue came into court and proved the will of John Askue
dec'd the due execution of which was proved by Aaron Pearson Sr.... May 1794 Ordered that a didimus be directed to Moses Pearson
Esquire to qualify Aaron Pearson Senr. Magness Curgill, Jesse Vining, William Whitfield and James Pouncy as appraisers to
appraise the estate of John Askue decd.
Two of his sons John and Jessee are listed in the 1800 census as having
8 children each. So far only one has been identified, John Jr. I have placed several of the other Haskew boys living
in the area according to the census dates of when they would have been born and the names they gave their children.
Johns first born left the original place to his son John, who left it to Thomas.
Zacheus, another of his sons was quite prosperous. He died leaving some 2300 acres to his children and wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth
remarried in 1844 and two of Zacheus children are listed in 1845 as needing help.
M. P. Haskew and Mary Ellen Haskew 1845, needed guardianship.(Moses P. died the next year. age 13)
Most sold their inheritances. (see deeds page at botton) I have put Moses Haskew, who later moved his
family to Alabama, in as one of his (John and Ruth) sons because there is no where else to place him within the family.
See Moses Haskew and Polly 1775-1841 sight for further info.
Marvin Shubert a descendant of the Moses Haskew( changed to Heskew) line
has done some super websights and the links are at the bottom of the page. Don't miss them, they are a work of art.
There is a family story that says that 3 brothers and a cousin moved from
South Carolina to Alabama. I have guessed that the 3 brothers are the children of Moses (Peter,Moses,and William)and
the Cousin as the John probable son of Jessee who married Susan Hendley. See their sights for the reasoning.
Another family from the area is Joseph Haskew and Lucy of 1820. I have
placed him as a son of John Haskew for a lot of reasons. See his sight for them.
Based some on conjecture and some on information here is a picture of the Family.--
During the French and Indian
War, John Haskew was in the service of Col. Peter Kolb along with Moses Pearson and his brother Aaron Pearson. Together they
went on an expedition to Fort Prince George, South Carolina around 1759-60. It appears that John married Moses Pearson’s sister
Ruth shortly after they returned. Moses continued in military service and is known as Capitan Moses Pearson during the American
Revolution. Their friendship or the patriarch Moses Pearson appears to be the source reason for the Haskews to start naming
their children Moses. Because they lived next to each other, Moses Pearson Sr. may have been the original source of land for
the Haskews.
John and Ruth were married and and began their family, naming their firstborn
son John. He fought in the American Revolution when he was about 16 and at a late age got
a pension for his service. Several other sons followed. Jessee, Moses, and Zacheus.
The firstborn
inherited most when the patriarch died. Moses purchased some land next to his brother, John and Jessee owned land near them.
It appears that Revolution John had another son ,Moses who married Nancy John
in 1812. He died in 1828. Zacheus spread
out a bit and ended up owning about 2300 acres located in 5 locations. Moses bought 79 acres next to John from Magnus Corgil
in 1814. It appears to have reverted back to Corgil as he has the land in 1830 after Moses had left with his young family
for Alabama. Perhaps sold back to him?
After Zacheus Haskew died there were all kinds of legal wranglings going
on within his family. Margaret had a prenuptial agreement with her husband Donaldson
to protect her wealth. Joseph was taken to court by John W. Haskew before taking his family to Florida. Elizabeth, the mother, sued Margaret and John W. after she remarried. Seems like
a lot going on in court. It may have just been legalities and very amicable? Two other of Zacheus’s children
are in need of help ;Mary Ellen and Moses P. Haskew (13). Don’t know why
Elizabeth doesn’t take them
with her in new marriage? Margaret takes them in according to info. Moses dies a year later and his share of the estate is later divided by the other offspring of Zacheus.
Thomas H.Haskew b 1820-In 1865 Thomas submitted a claim against the US Army (a part called
Shermans March) that had come to his place and confiscated his 9 mules, a horse and wagon, 3000 lbs of smoked bacon, and a
lot of odd and ends totaling 2900 dollars. The claim was at first rejected and refiled later and rejected again. Several
witnesses were questioned on the matter. Thomas claimed to be more Northern sympathizer than Confederate, but didn't take
sides. He expressed his belief that the original constitution was good enough and a fear that the South would not make as
good a government for the people. His arthritus kept him from service. He was living on 2 plantations before the taking but
afterwards was unable to make the mortgage and ended up renting acerage and lost most everything as a result of the confiscation.
A Negro named Lucas was a witness (from his neighbors plantation) who Thomas offered to pay for his time to testify. Lucas
mentioned that Thomas had told his slaves many times that they would not gain their freedom if the war was won by the North.
Lucas was visiting Thomas's plantation the day of the taking and had helped Thomas hide a lot of pork in the swamp the previous
evening. Thomas then made himself "unavailabe" for several days until the army was gone.
One witness said that he was so poor now that he couldn't afford to pay a lawyer to present
his claim.
When the soldiers came and took his animals and bacon, all of the negroes left and left the state with the
soldiers. Several would move back to Bennetsville later. Thomas would later move to North Carolina, where he expired.
Don't know how it was finally resolved, if at all. The sherriff "Parmalee" spoke highly of his integrity and honesty in support
of his claim, as did Lucas. Lucas visited Thomas 7 months after the taking and Thomas told him that the other pork hidden
in the swamps was not found by the army, although they did find and take his mules that he'd hidden.This claim is on a microfilm.
He was lucky in that the military was burning a lot of the houses when they felt they were dealing with sympathizers of the
South's cause. In North carolina Thomas is listed as a farmer. James his son moves back to Marlboro. The Haskews were related
by marriages to the Pearsons, Pouncy's, Vining's,Smith's,Townsends and others.
4 Generations -Margaret Ann Haskew Donaldson |
her daughter, Jincy, and Jincy's dau, , and Jincy's grandson. Thanks to JoAnne Harley, for picture. |
John Haskew (b.Abt 1730;d.1793 Marl,SC) |
sp: Ruth Pearson (b.Abt 1736;d.Aft 26 Sep 1792) |
2. John Haskew (b.1763-Marlboro.,SC;d.Abt 1845) |
sp: Elizabeth (b.Abt 1763-U.S.A.;m.Abt 1783) |
3. John Haskew bet 1780-1783-Marlboro,SC;d.Bef 1850) |
sp: Nancy (b.Abt 1792-South Carolina;d.Aft 1870)
4.Possibly Joseph married Lucy Townsend 1820-80 |
4. Thomas H. Haskew Feb 1820-Bennetsville,SC;d.29Apr1901 |
Mary Margaret Ann Moore 6Aug1836-,,S;d.21 Jun 1883) |
5. Ida Haskew (b.1857-Bennetsville,SC;d.Abt 1890) |
sp: Alexander W. Mc Neill 16Feb1845-,,,Ireland;d.16 Mar 1917 |
6. Annie Ida McNeill 15Jun1875-,Marl,SC;d.22Sep1881 |
6. Elizabeth Mary McNeill (b.14 Feb 1877-SC;d.4 Sep 1954 |
sp: Francis Marion Easterling (b.Feb 1868-South Carolina) |
7. Eulsh K. Easterling (b.Nov 1897-South Carolina) |
7. Gilmore S. Easterling (b.Apr 1900-North Carolina) |
5. James A. Haskew Aug1862-Marl.,SC;d.Aft Feb 1930 |
6. Willie Boyd Haskew Feb1886-Marl,SC | ;d 30
Dec.1930 Marl.
6. Mary G. Haskew sep 1889
5. Thomas Haskew (b.1870-Bennetsville,South Carolina)
4. John Haskew Abt 1829-,,SC;d.Abt 1867) |
4. four unamed daughters 1800-1815
Female Haskew (b.between 1774-1784-Marlboro ,SC |
3. Female Haskew (b.between 1780-1783-Marlboro ,SC |
3. Female Haskew (b.between 1784-1789-Marlboro SC |
3. Female Haskew (b.between 1784-1789-Marlboro S C |
3. Female Haskew (b.between 1784-1790-Marlboro S C |
3. Male Haskew (b.between 1784-1790-Marlboro,SC |
3. Male Haskew (b.between 1790-1800-Marlboro,SC |
3. Male(maybe Moses who married Nancy John) Haskew 1790-1800-,SC |
2. Possibly Moses (to AL) Haskew (b.1763-SC;1841 Ala.)see sight |
2. Zacheus Haskew (b.Abt 1765;d.Abt 1838) |
sp: Elizabeth Haskew Dixon 11Dec1797-;d.3 Aug 1872
above and another in Favorite Family Photos
3. Margaret Ann Haskew (b.8 Oct 1825-Marion,SC;d.14May1900 |
sp: John Robertson Donaldson (b.7
May 1809-M,S.C.;d.13May1852 |
4. Jincy Caroline Donaldson (b.19 Jan 1845;d.18 Aug 1908 |
4. Marietta Mc Guire Donaldson 25 Apr 1846-M,,SC;d.31Aug1903 |
sp: James Lane Napier (b.2 Jan 1845;d.13 May 1924) |
4. Sara McQueen Donaldson (b.25 Oct 1847;d.18 Jun 1927) |
4. Elizabeth Nicholson Donaldson 12 Feb 1849;d.30 May 1858 |
4. John Terrell Donaldson (b.28 Apr 1850;d.29 Jun 1911) |
Mary Ann Kinney (b.14 May 1848;d.14 Feb 1925) |
4. William Zacheus Donaldson (b.9 Dec 1851-Blenheim,S.C.;d.13 Dec 1907) |
Catherine Ellen MacLeod (b.26 Sep 1855-B,S.C.;d.Sep 1932 |
5. Annie Donaldson 10 Jul 1883-Blenheim,S.C.;d.8Jun1944 |
sp: Daniel Franklin Bundy 26 Sep 1875-Marl.,S.C.;d.30 Jul 1946 |
6. Francis Bundy 12 Oct 1914-Clio,S.C.;d.23Dec1982 |
sp: Josephine Pearson (b.8 Oct 1911-,S.C.;d.2 Nov 1979) |
7. Josephine Bundy (b.15 Oct 1939-Bennettsville,S.C.) |
sp: Joseph Harley 7Aug1938-Florence,S.C. |
8. Clayton Harley ,Beaufort,S.C.) |
8. Heather Harley -New Bern,N.C.) |
Francis Bundy (b.15 Dec 1941-Bennetsville,S.C.) |
John MacLeod Bundy (b.14 Oct 1916) |
7. John McLeod , Jr. Bundy (b.10 Dec 1938) |
sp: Marianne Holmes Huffstetler (m.28 Aug) |
6. Hugh Carol Bundy (b.22 Mar 1919;d.30 Mar 1920) |
Clarence Durwood Bundy (b.9 Jun 1921) |
sp: Helen Olivia Austin (b.13 Jun 1916) |
7. Lawrence Bundy (b.11 Feb 1941) |
5. Mary Elizabeth Donaldson (b.23 Jul 1886) |
5. Catherine Donaldson (b.10 Nov 1897) |
3. Jane Haskew (b.Abt 1827-Of Marlboro,South Carolina) |
3. John William Haskew Abt 1828-Marlboro Co.,SC;d.Abt 1867 |
sp: Louisa (b.Abt 1828-U.S.A.;m.Abt 1850) |
4. Elizabeth Haskew (b.Abt 1854-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
4. Zac Haskew (b.Abt 1857-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
4. Ellen Haskew (b.1860-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
5. Carrie Haskew (b.Abt 1878-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
4. Thomas Haskew (b.1860-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
4. Mary Haskew (b.1861-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
4. Joddie Haskew (b.1863-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
4. Susan Haskew (b.1866-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
4. Mollie Haskew (b.1868-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
3. Mary Ellen Haskew (b.29 Nov 1830-Marl.SC;d.29 Oct) |
sp: Mastin J. Lewis (b.9 Nov 1813-;d.21
Jan 1860) |
4. John Lewis (b.Abt 1847-Marlboro,South Carolina) |
Margaret E. Lewis (b.Abt 1853-Marlboro,South Carolina) |
4. Sarah McK. Lewis (b.1860-Marlboro,South Carolina) |
3. Moses P. Haskew (b.11 Feb 1833-Marlboro,S.C.;d.16 Jun 1846) |
3. Possible Ann#5037 Haskew (b.1828) |
2. Jesse Haskew (b.Abt 1769;d.31 Dec 1815) |
Possible John (m Susan Hendley) Haskew b1794-Marl,SC;1843 Clark,AL |
Female Haskew (b.between 1794-1800-Marlboro ,SC |
3. Female Haskew (b.between 1794-1800-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
3. Male Haskew (b.between 1800-1810-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
3. Male Haskew (b.between 1800-1810-Marlboro,SC |
3. Male Haskew (b.between 1800-1810-Marlboro Co.,South Carolina) |
3. Female Haskew (b.between 1800-1810-Marlboro ,South Carolina) |
3. Female Haskew (b.between 1800-1810-Marlboro ,South Carolina) |
2. Mrs. Hugh Britton Haskew |
John and Jessee (H)askew 1800 census |